My cute boys have been so good to me each morning. Every morning I have been running. Colby most of the time sits back and just enjoys the ride, as does Brody. Occasionally I will let Colby play a game on my Iphone or watch a movie or something! Don't you love technology? Brody's favorite thing to do is suck on ice in that little mesh thing he is holding. This morning Colby feed Brody cheerios the whole time. It sprinkled on us today for almost the whole run, but it felt great. This little cool snap we are having is a sweet treat! We always try to make a stop at the park or feed the ducks at Power Ranch before we head home. I love running because it is my little time to myself. I am quickly reminded I am not alone, when I start to get tired and have to continue pushing all 90 lbs, but I get to listen to music and enjoy being outside with relatively no fussing! I also am just trying to get in shape. I have always been a string bean, but after having Brody I just felt like I was dragging around two lead legs or something. I never had energy and I still had a little baby weight to I have been enjoying sleeping better, and having more energy from working out! My sweet mama has been struggling with cardiovascular disease this year too which has helped to motivate me. She has had atrial fibrillation (the 2 small chambers in your heart just quiver instead of pumping at a normal rhythm) so she has been on medication and had a cardioversion procedure. She also found out that she had two small heart attacks this year too. So she has been an absolute trooper and has really taken charge to lose over 21 pounds, and has been exercising regularly! I am so proud of her. She still has some recovery ahead of her, but she always manages to find the positive and try to be as happy as she can be! Love you Mama! Hopefully I can keep this up! Keep ya posted.
YOU GO GIRL! I need to start my exercise regimen that my friend Ann-Renee did for me...I wish we lived closer so we could do this together...:( My prayers are with your Mom all the time. I love the pics!
YOU GO GIRL! I need to start my exercise regimen that my friend Ann-Renee did for me...I wish we lived closer so we could do this together...:( My prayers are with your Mom all the time. I love the pics!