Simple Joys

I had the best morning. We have finally broken our 100 degree weather and it is so beautiful out! I couldn't resist going out for a run this morning. It was 68 degrees! Who wants to be in the gym on a treadmill when you can be out in this loveliness! I jogged around Power Ranch and found some new trails, even a bridge that goes under Germann, so I can cross that crazy street without being hit! The boys had a blast playing in the new little park we found. It was just my own little bliss, and after being sick all last week and not being able to exercise, it felt awesome to get my exercise high again!

Brody has been so cute lately. I love this age! He just has the chunkiest little legs and cheeks and he is starting to say all kinds of is just precious. Well this morning he reverted back to baby talk, and he was getting a kick out of himself. It reminded me of the what Colby said to me the other day in the car. Brody was fussing and I was trying to calm him down, saying something like "it's okay we're almost home...and Colby says..."He doesn't speak your words mama, he only speaks baby words like gaga and baba." Oh, Brody if only your Aunties could be here to eat this up with me!!


  1. I am so glad y'all are feeling better, and what AWESOME weather for AZ!! I loved the video of Brody! You should post more...:) Love ya!

  2. What! I just wrote a huge comment and it's gone! Argh! It went something like, cute boys, love the weather, you are a stud for running in the mornings and I had so much fun with you the other day! At least you get a cliff's notes version!
