6 years old, really?! Where does the time go? Happy Birthday Colby! We couldn't be more proud of this not so little guy!
Colby had his birthday planned out to a "T." It wasn't just his birthday day, no, he had his party planned - every detail - the day it would be, exactly what the schedule of events would be- when we would celebrate on his real birthday - and what our whole weekend would be like - since his birthday was on a Monday. The plan (without all the crazy details) - Friday we would be going to Dave & Busters (or the like), Saturday - birthday party and Monday the big day - Rudy's for dinner and chocolate eclaire cake for dessert.
Here we are at Rudy's on the night of his birthday. This boy can pack down some Rudy's. Colby's favorite meal: sausage, extra lean bbq brisket outside cut (to keep the bark on the brisket), bread, and beans. This location is our favorite because it has a huge backyard area nestled in all the trees.
Matt and I both love these pictures so much! Colby doesn't love the camera so we were so happy to get some great pics with him on his birthday.
In the morning before school, I promised Colby he could open one of his presents from us, one from Mimi and Papa, and one from his Auntie Brandi. He tore through them and was so excited about every single one. He couldn't wait to get home from school to open the rest. He ate his favorite breakfast - donuts and orange juice.
Colby asked me to bring his special birthday snack for the class- guess what he chose? - donuts (chocolate covered with sprinkles of course). Daddy was kind enough to go get 2 dozen from only the best place to get donuts (The Donut Taco Palace I), and he stood in line at 6am to get them. I got to drop them by the room, but all the kids were out to recess. Brody and I headed home for a bit, then picked up lunch for Colby at Sonic and brought it to school to eat lunch with him. It was pretty crazy in that cafeteria, but we had a great lunch, and Colby was eager to ditch us for lunch recess when the time came.
When he got home from school, he could hardly wait to tear through all the rest of his presents. Some of the things he asked for this year were a StarWars ship, Boba Fett and Young Boba Fett, Imaginext Robots, Jengo Fett, more circuits to add to his board he got at Christmas, and Harry Potter DS game. He got all kinds of fun science experiments from MiMi and Papa, and a really cool battery charged watergun (don't worry we got Brody one too so they could have wars in the back yard). Those have been so much fun.
Brody was so excited. At first he didn't quite understand that the presents were for Colby, but he was such a good boy, and Colby shared with him after a little help from Mom & Dad.
The chocolate eclaire cake - who knew- I thought it was so fun he asked for this because it is his Daddy's absolute favorite too!
Colby is such a fun boy. Some of my favorite things about Colby at this age are - He absolutely loves art. He draws the coolest pictures and brings home the most adorable things from art class at school. He is so dang smart - no surprise to his proud mama - but he will say things like "that's in 15 minutes mom - which you know is a 1/4 of an hour" and laugh a little sneaky laugh afterward, or he will just ramble off all kinds of subtraction, addition, and multiplication facts. He is a total numbers guy - again just like his Daddy. Believe it or not, I love all his tall (I mean really Tall) tales. I'm not sure if he ever stops talking. Really. At dinner no-one can get a word in edgewise, and its always some crazy story about things that happened at school, or all the fun science facts that just seep from his little brain. Even though it drives me absolutely nuts, I love that he is a collector - he appreciates every piece of dirt, plant, and crazy thing he can get his hands on, and he wants to treasure it and keep it forever - especially rocks- yes even dirt rocks have a special place in his heart . I love - I mean really love- that he still wants me to sing him songs and rub his back at bedtime (his favorite is It's a Small World -but we have to go in order - Twinkle Twinkle, Frere Jacques, and then It's a Small World). He still has a favorite bear that he has had since he was born. He is an amazingly complicated and wonderful kiddo and we couldn't be more blessed. We are so glad he is a part of our family. Happy 6th Colbs, we LOVE YOU!
I can't believe Colby turned 6 either! :) I love Colby so much! I almost got him an art kit for his bday! :0 I hope he keeps up the art stuff! I think he found his niche!