Full Bloom

All things are in bloom at our house. I was and still am a little too excited about my peach blossoms. They are so beautiful, and last year our peaches were so yummy, but they were tiny. So I am totally hoping for bigger ones that taste just as sweet this year. My purple mallows are blooming like crazy and we are about to have orange and lime blossoms too!

We also planted a garden and Colby is so excited to watch it grow. I guess it is the anticipation to watch as a little seed turns into a plant and then produces something you usually get at the grocery store. I get it, I feel like my boys bloom too. Sometimes they grow overnight. I swear I put them to bed and they grow a few inches or gain/lose a few pounds. It is such a trip to watch them grow, not only in stature, but also to see those little personalities develop.

Brody turned 18 months old, and I am still taken a back when I think that my sweet baby is almost two. He is such a good an obedient boy, but just like weeds in the garden we have had some tootie two behavior cropping up over the last month or so. He likes to tattle on his brother and say "he not being nice." He has learned if he screams it usually gets Colby in trouble, although I'm figuring this little sneaky boy out and Colby is thankful for that. Tantrums I'm sad to say are becoming the norm now when he doesn't get what he wants, but they are short lived and ignored most of the time. But aside from those few little bits that every kid goes through we can't complain. This is him saying "tcheeeeeez" for a picture. Every time he sees the camera out he is posing and ready to go.
He is very social, loves to say "hi and bye" to people and is ever so fascinated with other babies and children. Brody loves to play outside, any opportunity he can get.
He loves climbing up the playset in the back yard and sliding down the slide. He will say "lide" and then count "one, dooo, weee." He likes to get in and out of the swings, but doesn't swing for very long. Of course anywhere there is dirt or water it is a total magnet for him. Very slowly we are learning throwing sand, dirt and rocks is not good. The words he is saying are too numerous to list, but we love it when he says " I wan nack" and then says "ummm" as he opens the pantry door, debating what his tummy is hungry for. We laugh when you ask him questions and he answers appropriately with "yep" or "right." He does like to say "No!" at his brother, and we try to keep our snickering under-wrap when he is saying "mine!" Lately he loves to play hide and seek and he will whisper "where doh."

Okay, his stats...he is 35in long, and 27.5lbs. That puts him in the 97 plus percentile for height and a I think 75 percent for weight. He is the same length Colby was at 18mo. BUT Colby weighed 4 more lbs that him. Yeah, he was a tank, still is...And of course Colby is right there with him outside. We love being outside this time of year. If we are not in the back yard, then we are out riding bikes or playing in the parks. Thanks for watching us bloom!


  1. I can't believe how big Brody is!!!!!! Such a little man! I can't wait to see y'all again in person!! I love all the little things he is saying! SO CUTE!

  2. hi beth! oh my goodness he is almost 10 pounds bigger than trav! we should meet up at the park one day. our favorite thing is to be outside too!!

  3. I really should build a little garden like yours too! Or at least start with a tomato plant in pot!!!!
